HomeTerms and Condition

Terms & Condition

Kindly take your time reading this text. You accept responsibility for the following terms and conditions by using or accessing Ray Light. Ray Light should not be accessed or used if any of these terms and conditions are unacceptable to you. 

You may use Ray Light Real Estate Agency as an online information and communication resource, but only if you abide by the terms and conditions listed below.

These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time by Ray Light Real Estate Agency. Any changes take effect right away when they are posted online. Your continuous access to or use of Ray Light Real Estate Agency shall be deemed conclusive evidence of your acceptance of these terms and conditions, as amended or modified from time to time. You may review the modified terms and conditions regularly to be aware of such adjustments. In addition, Ray Light Real Estate Agency reserves the right to halt operations for any reason, including maintenance, technological updates, support, content updates, or other.

In the event that your usage of Ray Light Real Estate Agency violates these terms and conditions, Ray Light Real Estate Agency has the right to suspend your access, prevent you from accessing it in the future, and/or pursue any further remedies that it deems appropriate given the circumstances of your misuse.


  1. Definitions

  2. Subsmission and administration of listings/advertisements

    1. Payment Terms

    2. Refund in failed transactions

  3. Rental property services terms

  4. Rental payment

  5. Rental agreement

  6. Tenant verification

  7. Video Community Guidelines

  8. Use of information

  9. Intellectual property rights

  10. Restriction/ Prohibitions

  11. Links to third party web sites

  12. Disclaimer and warranties

  13. Limitation of liability

  14. Termination

  15. Indemnification

  16. Terms of conditions specific for dealers/ builders/ banks/Payment Gateways

  17. Arbitration

  18. Severability of provisions

  19. Waiver

  20. Governing law

  21. Jurisdiction



Any person who has subscribed to Ray Light Real Estate Agency's services, whether on a paid or free basis, and to whom access to the agency is restricted through the use of a sign-in user name and password, is referred to as a subscriber. This includes both individuals and legal entities. Either Ray Light Real Estate Agency assigns the user name and password, the subscriber selects it, or both parties agree on it. It is made very clear that the only person with permission to access the Services provided by Ray Light Real Estate Agency is the authorized User.

Any person who uses any of the services provided by Ray Light Real Estate Agency without having to register an account, or who visits non-restricted areas of the website, is referred to as a browser or visitor.

The following terms and conditions as well as the community rules govern how you may use and access Ray Light Real Estate Agency. For the purposes of this Agreement, anyone accessing the Services without having a valid license or contract will be considered a "unauthorized user" and will be bound by the terms and conditions governing Ray Light Real Estate Agency's usage, particularly those pertaining to protecting the agency's intellectual property rights and adhering to the terms and conditions listed below.

Both the Subscriber/Advertiser(s) and the Browser/Visitor(s) would be considered "Users" and "Customers" under these conditions.
The terms "Service" or "Services" refer to the interactive online information service that Ray Light Real Estate Agency provides on the internet, allowing users to access information that the agency maintains in its database. The terms can also be used to refer to the search tools that allow users to look through hosted databases and information by selecting from a variety of search tools that meet their criteria. The phrase might also refer to services that provide clients with space for banners and listings, among other forms of advertising.

The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (http://mhupa.gov.in/User_Panel/UserView.aspx?TypeID=1535), as amended, and any rules or regulations that may be made thereunder shall be referred to as RERDA.

Submission and administration of listings/advertisements

The user agrees that they will not submit to Ray Light Real Estate Agency any property descriptions, photos, financial, contact, or other data included in each property's data unless they have obtained and received approval from Ray Light Real Estate Agency all necessary rights and authorizations, including from the photographer and/or copyright owner of any photographs, to publish and advertise the said Property(s) on their website or on Ray Light Real Estate Agency.

In a similar vein, Ray Light Real Estate Agency assumes full responsibility for banners hosted on its website by its clients, whether directly or indirectly towards any person. These banners are solely in the nature of Ray Light Real Estate Agency selling space, and the agency has not conducted any independent verification on the legitimacy of the images, banners, or listings, as may have been required by any currently enacted laws.

There may be third-party video content (referred to as "Video Content") in certain listings. This content is only meant to be used for general informative reasons and is not intended to be a solicitation or recommendation or to influence any particular kind of purchase or decision. Regarding the quality and completeness of the video content, neither Ray Light Real Estate Agency nor the content providers make any promises. If a user is covered by the RERDA, they must follow the legal process in order to get all necessary approvals, licenses, and permits from the relevant authorities for the Project, Land, Apartment, or Plot shown in the listing.

Furthermore, with regard to the Project, Land, Apartment, or Plot in the listing, the User shall at all times maintain compliance with all applicable laws. The User is needed to reveal all relevant information about their RERDA registrations, any property(s) they have submitted, including its current state and type. They also need to indicate whether or not the property is free of all encumbrances. The user is required to provide all relevant factual information about the property being advertised, including its accurate dimensions, registration under the RERDA, and any other property(s) submitted, including the property's current status and nature. The user is also required to disclose whether or not the property is free of all encumbrances.

Additionally, the User must provide a brief history of the property's title, ownership, and possession. Ray Light Real Estate Agency reserves the right to request supporting documentation from the User for any claims made regarding the property's status. The User might also be asked to swear an affidavit attesting to the veracity of the information/data provided/displayed in order to support his assertions regarding the nature and status of the property. If properties are suspected of being submitted in contravention of this clause, Ray Light Real Estate Agency may, in its sole discretion and without any obligation to do so, look for such properties and remove them.

In addition, Users who are suspected of submitting properties or other information/data in violation of these terms and conditions may be asked to provide further proof of compliance with this provision by Ray Light Real Estate Agency. Any User who regularly or knowingly breaches these terms and conditions may have their accounts terminated by Ray Light Real Estate Agency, and they may not be able to access the service. Furthermore, the User consents to users of the User's website or the Ray Light Real Estate Agency website searching, displaying, accessing, downloading, copying, and otherwise referring to the Property listing, or any portion of it.

In the exercise of its rights under these terms and conditions, Ray Light Real Estate Agency shall have the exclusive right to determine how any Property will be searchable, displayed, accessed, downloaded, copied, and used in any other way on Ray Light Real Estate Agency. It shall also have the right to change the property listing. In addition to the previously listed terms, the User agrees:-

(a) To represent and guarantee the accuracy of all Properties and related information that the User provides; 
(b) The User agrees to refrain from allowing the posting of a property on Ray Light Real Estate Agency under any name other than that of a real estate agent or property owner who has been lawfully hired and approved by the property owner in this respect;

The Ray Light Real Estate Agency will post property-related information in designated areas or on any other mirror or parallel website. Without providing prior notice, Ray Light Real Estate Agency retains the right to remove all or any portion of the Properties listed on the User's website or on Ray Light Real Estate Agency, in a manner that is consistent with normal commercial business standards. Ray Light Real Estate Agency acknowledges that it is entirely their obligation to examine and confirm the authenticity of any reports or data files that users provide. While Ray Light Real Estate Agency will make every attempt to backup data and resume operations, it is the User's responsibility to keep backup copies of all documents, images, and other materials provided or submitted to Ray Light Real Estate Agency.

When purchasing or renting real estate through Ray Light Real Estate Agency, users are responsible for independently verifying all information about the real estate, including ownership, lien status, and other legal issues. The "verified" tag that is displayed on a property or properties on Ray Light Real Estate Agency only certifies that the property exists as described. The "verified" tag should never be interpreted as a confirmation of any paperwork, ownership information, property/property location, or pricing information.

Payment Terms

All payments for the services provided by Ray Light Real Estate Agency must be made in full upfront. Once a subscriber has paid for a service, there is no refund policy; all funds paid will be considered appropriated. Ray Light Real Estate Agency will have the final say over any refunds. Regarding the timing or accuracy of the refunds reaching the users' bank accounts or credit cards, Ray Light Real Estate Agency makes no promises at all.

User understands and agrees that Ray Light Real Estate Agency may deduct the amount paid or payable by a subscriber/user from any amount(s) payable by User to Ray Light Real Estate Agency under any other agreement or commercial relationship regarding other products/services, at its sole discretion and without affecting any other rights and remedies that it may have under the applicable laws.

Everything is done with utmost effort, and liability is strictly limited to the amount refunded. Regarding free services, Ray Light Real Estate Agency disclaims any duty. Without giving prior warning, Ray Light Real Estate Agency retains the right to revise, alter, or change any disclaimers or conditions of agreements at any time. Any reference to conditions or disclaimers, whether stated explicitly or not, will be taken to mean that they are included.

Ray Light Real Estate Agency takes every precaution to make sure that no data or information pertaining to electronic money transfers ends up in the wrong hands. Ray Light Real Estate Agency does not retain or store credit card information; users are redirected to a Payment Gateway to complete online transactions requiring payments. The highest level of security is ensured because the credit card transaction is processed on a third-party network that is not under Ray Light Real Estate Agency's control. After the online transaction is completed at the Payment Gateway, no one at Ray Light Real Estate Agency can access the credit card information.

In addition, Ray Light Real Estate Agency disclaims all liability for any loss or damage resulting from the accidental or intentional disclosure of any information about the user's account, information about online transactions involving credit cards or debit cards, their verification procedures, or any details related thereto, as well as for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies with regard to any information so disclosed and used, whether or not in compliance with legal process.

Refund in failed transactions

While the payment reconciliation staff at Ray Light Real Estate Agency works around the clock, there are no promises provided by the company regarding the timing or correctness of the refunds that are sent into the subscribers' bank accounts or cards. This is because there are many different companies processing transactions online, there are issues with the current Internet infrastructure, and financial institutions have different business days and holidays. If inaccurate or offensive property content is provided on the website, Ray Light Real Estate Agency will decide whether to issue a refund. 

In the event that your usage of Ray Light Real Estate Agency violates these terms and conditions, Ray Light Real Estate Agency has the right to suspend your access, prevent you from accessing it in the future, and/or pursue any further remedies that it deems appropriate given the circumstances of your misuse.

Rental property services terms

The Rental Property Services may only be used to prepare and register rental agreements, collect rent, and pay for them. The User may not provide any information obtained via the Rental Property Services to outside parties. The User bears full responsibility for the information provided and its accuracy. The User agrees to indemnify Ray Light Real Estate Agency and its affiliates and employees against any claims or actions made by third parties, financial institutions, or regulatory bodies.

By using this service, the user consents to Ray Light Real Estate Agency processing their information on their behalf, including sharing it with third parties as needed. The user agrees not to use any of the provided Services to submit any fraudulent or false information.

Rental payment

The Rental Property Services may only be used to prepare and register rental agreements, collect rent, and pay for them. The User may not provide any information obtained via the Rental Property Services to outside parties. The User bears full responsibility for the information provided and its accuracy. The User agrees to indemnify Ray Light Real Estate Agency and its affiliates and employees against any claims or actions made by third parties, financial institutions, or regulatory bodies.

By using this service, the user consents to Ray Light Real Estate Agency processing their information on their behalf, including sharing it with third parties as needed. The user agrees not to use any of the provided Services to submit any fraudulent or false information.

By making a payment, the user authorizes Ray Light Real Estate Agency to retain, accept, and distribute funds in line with the payment instructions that the user provides through Ray Light Real Estate Agency in order to facilitate the transfer of funds to the designated beneficiary. Ray Light Real Estate Agency maintains the right to deduct any applicable service charges, processing fees, or other costs incurred by it in the processing of this transaction in the event that the User provides incomplete or erroneous details that influence the transaction's processing.

Any improper or unexpected transaction, regardless of form or method, shall not be the responsibility of Ray Light Real Estate Agency, its affiliates, or its personnel. Ray Light Real Estate Agency reserves the right to reject, delay, or suspend a transaction based on the level of financial risk or security involved.

If a transaction is disputed, reversed, or not approved, is illegal, or is not in compliance with these terms, the value of the transaction may be charged back (therefore referred to as "Chargeback"). An example of this would be if the holder of the payment instrument used to initiate the transaction raises a dispute. In the event of a chargeback, the user is required to pay the full amount owing, along with any additional fines or penalties that the payment gateway or issuer may impose. In the case that this is the subject of an inquiry, the user promises to cooperate fully.

Rental agreement

By agreeing to these conditions, the user and the owner of the property agree to give any personal information the user uploads. The user may only upload personal information after receiving the necessary consents from the owner(s) of the data for the intended use. In this regard, the User shall bear sole responsibility for ensuring that the information provided is accurate and complete, as necessary for the rental agreement to be lawfully and fully registered in the relevant jurisdictions, and for providing any additional information that may be needed.

By using these services, the user undertakes to pay any stamp duty and other fees that may be imposed in accordance with applicable legislation. The user also agrees not to hold Ray Light Real Estate Agency, its affiliates, or its employees accountable for any fines or penalties that may result from failing to pay all required fees.

Tenant verification

The user hereby expressly consents to the Verification Partner (defined in these terms as any third party hired to provide tenant verification services) receiving all information shared for verification purposes, including contact information needed to use the services. Ray Light Real Estate Agency shall not be liable to any party for any Services supplied by the Verification Partner. It is the User's entire responsibility to confirm the calibre of Tenant Verification services provided by the Verification Partner. Before providing the Verification Partner with personal papers and information, the User must get the Lessee's express agreement.

Video Community Guidelines

The user acknowledges that when submitting video content for listings or adverts, they will adhere to the following community guidelines: 
• Video content should not be vulgar or improper; 
• Video should not contain language that is harmful to any community or section; 
• Video should be original and free from copyright issues; 
• Video should not contain any personally identifying information of the User or Agency

Video Content Screening

Videos uploaded by users will be subjected to both technological and human screening processes before being made live on the platform. The video content will be appropriately deleted from the listing in the event that it violates any community guidelines. 
Furthermore, the following situations will also require the video screening procedure to be completed:
• Reporting the video to email addresses or toll-free numbers 
• A user or agent's accusation of infringement

If the claim is shown to be true, the video will be taken off from the platform. Platform will always have the last say over the screening and removal of videos. 
Over the term of the listing, agents will have the ability to change or remove videos. 
Ray Light Real Estate Agency will host and stream these videos using third-party platforms like YouTube. In the process, the website and its users must abide by the Youtube API Services - Developer Policies and the YouTube Terms of Service, which may be found at https://www.youtube.com/t/terms. 

Use of Information

The user acknowledges that Ray Light Real Estate Agency owns all rights to any information accessed through the service, including member directories, listings, and other information made available to users (collectively, "Content"). The user acknowledges that Ray Light Real Estate Agency's trade secrets will be kept safe and that content designated for members will be kept secret.
When using any Content, a user does so at their own risk and Ray Light Real Estate Agency makes no guarantees regarding its accuracy, endorsement, or recommendation. Users may see the listings and adverts on the Service only in order to gather preliminary data for later analysis and research. Listings accessed from the Service may not be used for further distribution, publication, public display, or the creation of derivative works, nor may the User permit any of these uses. The User may only access and use listings for personal and internal use.
Any content that is downloaded from the Service or otherwise made available to User in the Service may not be used or reproduced by User for or in conjunction with any other listing/advertising Service or device. The user also agrees not to use the company's service in any other way or in conjunction with any other listed service or device. Users who break any of these particular terms—in particular, those who use automated or manual methods to search the Service abusively or excessively—risk having their memberships immediately terminated without prior warning.

Intellectual property rights

Any logos, trademarks, trade names, and service marks (collectively, "Marks") that appear on Ray Light Real Estate Agency's website are either Ray Light Real Estate Agency's property or are used by it under permission. Ray Light Real Estate Agency is the exclusive owner of all rights resulting from the same, whether they are statutory or not. The User is not granted any license or permission to use these marks in any way as a result of accessing Ray Light Real Estate Agency. As a result, using these marks in any way is strictly forbidden. According to the current Indian legislation, any infringement of the aforementioned would be illegal.
Ray Light Real Estate Agency has complied with all applicable Indian laws regarding intellectual property rights and will do so in the future. To the best of its abilities, Ray Light Real Estate Agency will uphold and safeguard users' and third parties' intellectual property rights. Ray Light Real Estate Agency reserves the right to immediately terminate this Agreement without providing notice to any User(s) who are discovered to be utilizing the agency as a platform to violate the intellectual property rights of others.
Ray Light Real Estate Agency provides Users a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, revocable license (the "License") to access and use the Services in exchange for Users adhering to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. This license is granted by Ray Light Real Estate Agency through User access.


Among other things, the following behaviours are strictly forbidden and will be considered as abuses of Ray Light Real Estate Agency:

  • Using the services provided by Ray Light Real Estate Agency in any way that could harm the company's interests or ability to operate, as well as any activity that would violate RERDA or other applicable laws and regulations.
  • Any content, data, or information, including profiles, personal information, photographs, and/or graphics, available on Ray Light Real Estate Agency and/or any services or its products, may not be copied, extracted, downloaded, shared, modified, sold, stored, distributed, made into derivative works, or used in any way that is inconsistent with or contrary to the terms of use.
    • It is strictly forbidden for users to use Ray Light Real Estate Agency and/or any content or data provided therein for any of the following purposes:
    •  Any commercial purposes, such as building alternative databases or giving third parties access to Ray Light Real Estate Agency without the agency's prior written consent;
    •  Engaging in any business activity that rivals the agency's operations;
    •  Sharing access with individuals who are not under contract with the agency;
    • Reselling the goods and services provided by the agency.
  •   Trying to access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl, or otherwise extract in any way any data or content from Ray Light Real Estate Agency; this includes adding or downloading profiles, contact information, or sending or redirecting messages; using any automated program, software, system, or similar or equivalent process;
  • Gaining or attempting to obtain unauthorized access to any of the following: (a) any feature or part of Ray Light Real Estate Agency, or any service or product offered on or through Ray Light Real Estate Agency that is not intended for you; this includes hacking and password "mining"; (b) any Ray Light Real Estate Agency server, webpage, application, or computer systems, as well as any other third parties and/or Users;
  • Utilizing technology to alter the services offered by Ray Light Real Estate Agency or their appearance, to impose another service on top of these, or to replicate in any way the services or operations of Ray Light Real Estate Agency.
  • using interfaces other than those that Ray Light Real Estate Agency has specifically supplied in order to access the agency;
  • Attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Ray Light Real Estate Agency's system or network, or trying to circumvent any security or authentication procedures put in place in connection to the Ray Light Real Estate Agency;
  • Obtaining information or data from Ray Light Real Estate Agency by scraping, downloading (including bulk downloads), copying, or in any other way (using automated or manual processes) in order to provide goods or services that are comparable to or could in any way rival those provided by Ray Light Real Estate Agency;
  •  Attempting to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decode, or perform any of the aforementioned tasks, or obtaining the source code for the Site, Application, or any associated technology, in whole or in part;
  • Avoiding or making an attempt to evade any technological safeguards put in place by Ray Light Real Estate Agency or any other party in order to preserve the content on Ray Light Real Estate Agency and/or prevent robots, spiders, and other crawlers from accessing and/or scraping Ray Light Real Estate Agency content.
  • Bypassing, getting around, or attempting to go around any service restrictions, such as those on searches, captchas, and the frequency of certain triggers
  • Interfering with, disturbing, or attempting to disrupt, in any way (including by using any tool, program, or procedure), another User's use of Ray Light Real Estate Agency or any linked computer networks;
  • To access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl, or otherwise extract or modify in any way any data or content from Ray Light Real Estate Agency without express written consent from Ray Light Real Estate Agency, one must not develop, use, or attempt to use any automated program, scripts, robots, third party software or system, or any similar or equivalent process (including spiders, robots, crawlers, browser plug-ins/extensions/add-ons, iframes on third party sites, mirroring, HTML parsers, etc.).
  •  Pretending to be someone else or something else, or lying about your association with or employment by someone else;
  • Forging headers or otherwise tampering with identifiers to conceal the source of any user data;
  • Pursuing, threatening, or intimidating another user in any way;
  • Placing an unjustified or too heavy burden on Ray Light Real Estate Agency's infrastructure;
  • Constructing deep connections into Ray Light Real Estate Agency (or any portion of it) and "framing," "mirroring," or otherwise mimicking the look or operation of Ray Light Real Estate Agency (or any part of it) without Ray Light Real Estate Agency's prior consent;
  • Sending unsolicited mass or commercial emails, or uploading, posting, emailing, sending SMS, or otherwise making them available, either directly or indirectly, is considered spamming Ray Light Real Estate Agency or any other Users.

Any content or information that is hosted, altered, uploaded, posted, transmitted, published, or distributed in any way that:

  • Is owned by someone else and over which you have no legal authority;
  • Violates any current local, provincial, state, federal, or international laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, or regulations;
  • Infringes, breaches, or otherwise violates the rights of the Ray Light Real Estate Agency or any third party, including any copyright, trademark, patent, rights of privacy or publicity, or any other proprietary rights;
  • Has computer viruses or other computer code, files, or programs intended to damage, destroy, or interfere with Ray Light Real Estate Agency's or any other computer system's or resource's ability to operate;
  • Is egregiously harmful, harassing, invasive of another person's privacy, including their bodily privacy;
  • Is hateful, disparaging, related to or encouraging money laundering or gambling in any way;
  • Any content that is, or could be perceived as being, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing based on gender; libellous, blasphemous, vulgar, pornographic, paedophilic, obscene, or racially or ethnically;
  • Promotes animosity between various groups based on religion or caste with the intention of inciting violence or otherwise unlawful in any way whatsoever;
  • Whichever encourages or amounts to behaviour that would be illegal, give rise to other legal ramifications, or otherwise violate existing laws;
  • Whichever misleads the recipient about the source of the message or disseminates misinformation or information that is blatantly offensive or menacing;
  • Whichever injures minors;
  • Whichever endangers India's unity, integrity, defence, security, or sovereignty;
  • Whichever threatens friendly relations with foreign states;
  • Whichever incites the commission of any crime, or hinders the investigation of any crime, or is derogatory to any other country. 

By using Ray Light Real Estate Agency, you specifically consent to not:
1. Copy and disseminate this material on any other server; or
2. Change or reuse any text, graphics, sound, or other content on the website to any other system. It is prohibited to sell or distribute any portion of Ray Light Real Estate Agency for profit, nor to alter or incorporate it into any other publication, work, or Ray Light Real Estate Agency, whether in hard copy or electronic format, including postings to other Ray Light Real Estate Agencies.
3. Without our express written authorization, remove any copyright, trade mark, or other intellectual property notices from any material that you print off, copy from Ray Light Real Estate Agency, or link to Ray Light Real Estate Agency. 

System or network security violations may subject one to legal or criminal consequences.

Links to third party web sites

Ray Light Real Estate Agency could offer connections to external websites or online resources. Any other website that you may access through Ray Light Real Estate Agency is not at all endorsed by Ray Light Real Estate Agency. 

Disclaimer and Warranties

According to the definition of an intermediary given in Section 2 sub clause (w) of the Information Technology Act of 2000, Ray Light Real Estate Agency is one.
The information on Ray Light Real Estate Agency is given "as is" and "as available" without any kind of implied or explicit warranties or representations.
All warranties, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of third party rights, completeness or accuracy of the information, update or correctness of the information, freedom from computer viruses, and other violation of rights regarding services, products, material, and contents, are disclaimed by Ray Light Real Estate Agency and any third party providing materials, services, or content to this website.

The opinions shared by users are their own, and Ray Light Real Estate Agency neither supports nor accepts liability for them. Although every effort is made to ensure that the content is not misleading, offensive, or inappropriate, no claims are made on the truth and veracity of the information on the website. If you come across any inaccurate or inappropriate content on the website, please report it to stop abuse.

It is entirely your obligation to assess the veracity, comprehensiveness, and applicability of any thoughts, counsel, services, real estate, and other relevant data that is provided on the website. Ray Light Real Estate Agency makes no guarantees on the availability of the website, its error-free operation, or the correction of any errors. 

After the listing or banner is put on display, Ray Light Real Estate Agency makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the quality of the response, if any. The only use of any funds given to Ray Light Real Estate Agency is to display the advertised property.

It is highly recommended that users independently confirm the legitimacy of any Pre-Launch offers they receive. Investment in any project that has not been officially sanctioned and launched by the Builder/Promoter is not encouraged by Ray Light Real Estate Agency; users who deal with such projects do so at their own risk and responsibility.

Nothing in this article should be interpreted as an offer or invitation to invest in Ray Light Real Estate Agency or any of its affiliates. Furthermore, Ray Light Real Estate Agency makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, that the use of any product, process, piece of machinery, or formulation will not violate any patents or otherwise. Nothing on this website should be interpreted as a recommendation to use any of these things in conflict with any patent. 

Ray Light Real Estate Agency is an Indian company that does not guarantee that its materials are suitable or will be available for use in other countries. Ray Light Real Estate Agency is based in India. You are solely responsible for adhering to all applicable local laws as well as international conventions and treaties if you use Ray Light Real Estate Agency from outside of India. 

Via Ray Light Real Estate Agency and its affiliate sites, the company provides goods, services, content, and a range of other features to particular geographic areas across the globe. Because of availability, regional or local legislation, legal barriers, and other variables, the services provided in one place might not be the same as those in another. It is neither guaranteed nor represented by Ray Light Real Estate Agency that a User in one location can also access the Services as offered in another. There may be references in Ray Light Real Estate Agency material to goods, services, or programs that have not been released or are not available in your country. 

Limitation of liability

Any damages of any kind resulting from or connected to the use of Ray Light Real Estate Agency, its content, or links will not be covered by Ray Light Real Estate Agency. This includes, but is not limited to, damages resulting from or connected to computer viruses, line failure, delays in operation or transmission, errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, and any other direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, loss of profit, exemplary, or consequential damages, whether or not such organizations or entities were informed of the possibility of such damages. 

For any error, omission, interruption, deletion, malfunction, delay in operation or transmission, communication line failure, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to or alteration of User's data/information, Ray Light Real Estate Agency disclaims all liability. Ray Light Real Estate Agency disclaims all liability for any issue or technical malfunction relating to online systems, servers, providers, computer hardware, software, email malfunctions, or other technical issues, traffic congestion on the Internet, at any website, or any combination of these; this includes harm or injury to Users, Members, or third parties, as well as damage to any other person's computer resulting from using the website or from participating in its activities. 

The term "customer" will only refer to paying customers who have not subscribed to Ray Light Real Estate Agency for commercial benefit (business reasons) and who intend to use the services for their own personal use, as defined by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (CPA).

The performance obligation of Ray Light Real Estate Agency (the service provider) is to grant the customer access to its online portal for the duration of the subscription period, unless otherwise specified and in spite of anything contained in any other agreement or arrangement, by whatever name called. With reference to any usage, by whatever name called, or any other performance obligation, if any, is to provide the upper limit for consumption, which by itself does not create any additional performance obligation upon Ray Light Real Estate Agency. 

If any information on this website is inaccurate, Ray Light Real Estate Agency will not be held responsible. Ray Light Real Estate Agency does not guarantee the confidentiality of information provided to it by anyone accessing or using any of the information displayed on this website, or any of its other websites / domains owned and operated by Ray Light Real Estate Agency. Ray Light Real Estate Agency disclaims all liability for any privacy violations or breaches involving the information provided by customers to be placed on the website by technical or other means.


For any reason, including, without limitation, that Ray Light Real Estate Agency believes you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of these terms and conditions or any applicable law, Ray Light Real Estate Agency may, in its sole discretion, terminate or restrict your use or access to Ray Light Real Estate Agency (or any part thereof) at any time and without notice. 


Contributions and the unapproved use of any information or materials found on Ray Light Real Estate Agency may be illegal under copyright, trademark, privacy, and publicity laws, as well as under certain statutes and regulations pertaining to communications and other relevant laws, statutes, and rules and regulations. Any actions you do or those of anybody else using your login and/or password are solely your responsibility. 

In light of the fact that you are using Ray Light Real Estate Agency material or that you have violated these terms and conditions or any applicable law, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Ray Light Real Estate Agency and/or its associates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, affiliates, licensees, business partners, and agents from and against any claims, actions, or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees. 

Any legal action involving parties that used these services will not involve Ray Light Real Estate Agency. The person that names Ray Light Real Estate Agency as a party in any legal proceedings will be responsible for paying the associated expenses, should Ray Light Real Estate Agency be named as a party in any such proceedings. Ray Light Real Estate Agency will comply with any court order that is properly delivered to it. 

Terms of conditions specific for dealers/ builders/ banks/Payment Gateways

  • You promise to process personal data in accordance with all applicable data protection laws and not to process personal data that is excessive, unlawful, irrelevant, or used for purposes other than those specified in this agreement, the privacy policy, or these terms and conditions. 
  • It is your responsibility to put in place sufficient organizational and technical safeguards to guard the shared personal information you acquired from Ray Light Real Estate Agency against improper or illegal processing as well as unintentional loss, damage, alteration, or disclosure.
  • You commit to offering reasonable support as required to enable prompt and compliance management of any Data Security Breach (where applicable, the applicable privacy law).
  • You acknowledge that the Party that maintains or processes the personal data gathered or shared bears the duty for granting an individual's request about that data.
  • You guarantee and affirm that the organization won't give or transmit any personal information acquired from Ray Light Real Estate Agency to any sub processors without first making sure the information is protected by appropriate and comparable protections.
  • You must only keep or use shared personal data for as long as is required to fulfil the agreed-upon objectives. 



Any disagreement that develops between a user or users and Ray Light Real Estate Agency regarding the use of the website or anything else related to the enforceability, interpretation, or purported violation of any of these terms and conditions will be brought before a single arbitrator, who will be an impartial third party. The arbitrator's decision is final and enforceable against both parties to the dispute. The arbitration will take held in Kolkata or Delhi. The arbitration process will be governed by the 1996 Arbitration & Conciliation Act. 

Severability of provisions

Your usage of Ray Light Real Estate Agency is governed by THIS AGREEMENT between you and Ray Light Real Estate Agency. The enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions will not be impacted if any part or all of these Ray Light Real Estate Agency terms and conditions are found to be invalid or inconsistent with any law, rule, order, or regulation of any government, or if a court renders a final decision on the matter. 


Any right or provision of the terms and conditions of use that Ray Light Real Estate Agency does not exercise or enforce shall not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision by Ray Light Real Estate Agency in the future. 

Governing law

By using Ray Light Real Estate Agency, you acknowledge and accept that these terms and conditions, as well as any matters pertaining to Ray Light Real Estate Agency, will be governed by the laws in force in India. 


Regardless of the region and jurisdiction in which you accessed Ray Light Real Estate Agency, the only courts with exclusive jurisdiction over any matter pertaining to Ray Light Real Estate Agency and these terms and conditions will be those in Kolkata or New Delhi, India.

Although it doesn't usually keep an eye on what you put on the internet, Ray Light Real Estate Agency does have the right to. But in the event that Ray Light Real Estate Agency learns of an improper use of its services, Ray Light Real Estate Agency will take whatever appropriate action, at its sole discretion. 
You understand and agree that Ray Light Real Estate Agency may report to law enforcement agencies any activity that might be construed as unlawful, as well as any information it learns of such activity. Ray Light Real Estate Agency will assist law enforcement authorities in any investigation into purportedly unlawful online activities, upon request, and will provide full cooperation. 

The remaining rights are reserved by Ray Light Real Estate Agency.